Observers: Elections were held with no violations

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In the course of monitoring of the Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 09, 2020, there not registered such violation of the election legislation that could obviously affect the results of the election. The election in whole has been held accordingly with election legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and universally recognized democratic norms.

Axar.az reports this was reported by the international observation group of the European Council on Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) mission.

"Considered that the election was transparent and ensures the election will of voters." - the report says.

The voting rooms in Election Precincts that visited by the observation group of the ECDHR mission were equipped with ballot boxes, voting compartments (сabins), table, stationery and other specific equipment necessary for a secret ballot. Ballot boxes were enough transparent to determine whether they are full or not. According to information, 1000 (one thousand) Polling Stations (20 % of all Polling Stations) were provided with web cameras and connected to the internet. It was noticed by the observation mission that there were especial boards for displaying information about candidates, rules for completing ballot papers and information on criminal and administrative responsibility for violation of election legislations.

The voting process started at 08:00 morning and ended at 19:00, on February 09, 2020. Every voter voted in person and alone. The ballot paper was marked in a booth where nobody is authorized to enter and equipped with special technical means for the secret vote. Members of the Precinct Election Commissions and observers were working without any obstacle and pressure.

Besides with others, the Precinct Election Commission created possibilities for those who cannot come to the voting room because of the state of health. A mobile box for this purpose was available in the election precinct.

Also, the reports of observers from the ECDHR mission were indicated several next shortages and gaps that they noticed during their visits. There were long queues (lines) of people that wanted to vote at the polling stations, while the sites in the same building are not filled evenly. It comes like, at the one polling station there is a queue, on the next a time interval (gap) between the voters.

In general, such facts were sporadic and did not have an effect on the normal conditions of the voting process and free expression of voters' will.

To avoid forming of a big queue in some Election Precincts, the Constituency Election Commissions should effectively analyze and divide voters among Election Precincts, make noticeable outside signs that lead to Election Precincts. To make notation conventions (special marks) on the buildings, situated nearby and outgoing to the street that allows the increase of attendance.

The repоrt on the Parliament Election of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on February 09, 2020, was jointly prepared by all 18 undersigned members of the international monitoring mission of the European Council on Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR).

Osvaldo Napoli - Member of parliament (Italy);

Ettore Licheri - Member of parliament (Italy);

Angela Crovetti - Lawyer, studio legale Crovetti (Italy);

Ulrich Singer - Deputy of the Bavarian Landtag (Germany);

Uli Henkel - Deputy of the Bavarian Landtag (Germany);

Jean-Luc Reitzer - Members of parliament (France);

Gregory Jullien - President of Eurasian Strategic Council (France);

Rumen Gechev - Member of parliament (Bulgaria);

Manol Genov - Member of parliament (Bulgaria);

Anton Konstantinov Kutev – a member of parliament (Bulgaria);

Katarzyna Ueberhan - Member of parliament (Poland);

Janusz Niedzwiecki - President of European Council on Democracy and Human (Poland);

Vera Prohazkova - Member of parliament (Czech Republic);

Jaroslav Doubrava - Member of parliament (Czech Republic);

Rania Younisova - Political Expert, Svoboda a přímá demokracie (Czech Republic);

Lazaros Tsavdaridis - Member of parliament (Greece);

Katerina Monogiou - Member of parliament (Greece);

Stella Biziou - Member of parliament (Greece).

2020.02.11 / 10:53
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