Weather forecast for tomorrow

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The weather in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on March 7 is expected to be mostly cloudy, with little to no rain.

Axar.az reports that according to the National Hydrometeorology Service, a southeast wind will blow.

Temperatures will be 2-7°C at night and 12-17°C during the day. The atmospheric pressure will be 769 mm Hg. The relative humidity will be 65-75% at night and 50-55% during the day.

In Azerbaijan’s regions, dry weather is expected. Occasional fog may occur in some areas. An east wind will blow.

Temperatures will be 1-6°C at night and 13-18°C during the day.

In the mountains, temperatures will be from -3°C to 2°C at night and 10-15°C during the day.

2025.03.06 / 17:26
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