Kyiv's reaction to Trump's peace plan

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Ukraine clearly understands that any plan to end the war with Russia must be based on international law and the world must be fair.

Axar.az reports that Mikhail Podoliak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said this while commenting on the peace plan prepared by the advisers of the US presidential candidate Donald Trump to end the war in Ukraine.

"The war cannot end without holding Russia accountable," he stressed.

According to him, it would be strange to freeze the war that has been going on for 28 months on the current front line, because Russia has violated international law and is located on the territory of Ukraine:

"Ukraine has a very clear position, and it is clearly expressed in the peace formula proposed by President Zelensky, which clearly states that peace can only be based on justice and international law."

It should be noted that earlier, two of Donald Trump's main advisers - Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleits - presented him with a plan to end the war in Ukraine if he wins the presidential elections in November. The peace plan stipulates that Ukraine can acquire more American weapons only if it enters into peace talks. A warning to Russia is also part of the plan.

2024.06.26 / 11:57
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