Why I hate Trump - John Samuel Tieman

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Axar.az presents an article "Why I Hate Trump" by John Samuel Tieman.

Here are ten reasons why I hate Donald Trump. There's no particular order to this list. Note that I am limiting myself to ten today. I could do ten another ten tomorrow, and ten more the day after that. The delusions of some MAGA types notwithstanding, most Americans have clarity about Donald Trump. His years in real estate and on TV, his time as a candidate and president, all that should make clear why he is unfit for public office. But, if it helps, here's another ten reasons.

First, Donald Trump is outside the norms of American politics. Republicans and Democrats practice loyal opposition. They may oppose each other on policies, but they are loyal to the Constitution, to the norms of governance, to the practices of representative democracy. The Donald is loyal to none of these things.

Second, the Trump Administration did lifelong psychological damage to children. His “kids in cages” strategy employed conscious cruelty as part of his immigration policy. There are hundreds of children yet to be reunited with their parents.

Third, he withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement. In doing this, Trump in effect undercuts, among other things, sustainable development, climate justice, and collective efforts to reduce emissions. The withdrawal terminated $3 billion in U.S. funding for climate change research.

Fourth, Trump deepened racism and xenophobia. Donald Trump has a long history of racism and xenophobia. Trump has repeatedly made explicitly racist and bigoted remarks. In his first speech as a candidate, he called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. He imposed the “Muslim Ban”. There's nothing new here. Indeed, when Trump first appeared in the “New York Times”, the story was about how the Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination in the 1970s. His current racist comments and xenophobic threats, these are simply his latest iterations.

Fifth, Trump is mentally unfit to hold public office. Many speculate that Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist. Such speculation can be debated. What is clear is that he suffers from a mental disorder of such magnitude that it makes him unfit and even dangerous.

Sixth, the former president offers not a partisan choice but an apocalyptic vision. In his opinion, only “losers” accept governmental norms and constitutional restraints. He offers not a unifying vision of the republic, but a stark us-versus-them vision, one in which, for example, immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the nation. It's Hitlerian. His political opponents are “vermin”. He says that we need to detain migrants in camps.

Seventh, Mr. Trump's foreign policy endeavors are at times dangerous. He's consistently shown admiration for autocrats like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un. He's shown contempt for some democratic leaders. He's repeatedly threatened to leave NATO. If re- elected, he promises to “fundamentally re-evaluate NATO's purpose and NATO's mission.” If re-elected, he also has announced his intention to abandon the Ukraine.

Eighth, during four years in office, President Trump lied, or made misleading claims, 30,573 times, according to the “Washington Post”. The paper reports that “On Nov. 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he barnstormed across the country in a desperate effort to win reelection.”

Ninth, Donald Trump was impeached twice. Since he left office, he has been charged in four criminal cases with a total of 91 indictments. No other president has been impeached twice. No former president has ever been indicted on criminal charges. He has shown no remorse for any of this. His contempt for the law has eroded the long-term stability of the nation.

Lastly, during his presidency, his contempt for science and scientists, particularly those who aided the nation during the worst days of COVID-19, was dangerous. His contempt would be laughable were he merely your crazy uncle. But, as just one example, Trump urged Americans to take hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria medicine that is used to cure rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. A recently released French study has found that nearly 17,000 people across six countries may have died because they relied on hydroxychloroquine rather than approved treatments. The U. S. Food And Drug Administration revoked the use of the drug after several studies. The “New England Journal of Medicine” found that hydroxychloroquine not only had no benefit with regard to COVID, but that it led to a significant risk of death. The French researchers said that their study looked at only six countries between March and July 2020. Deaths are likely much higher than 17,000.

2024.02.12 / 09:52
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