Ilham Aliyev congratulated the people of Azerbaijan

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President Ilham Aliyev has congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

Axar.az presents the text of the congratulatory message:

"Dear compatriots!

I sincerely congratulate you and all our compatriots living in various parts of the world on the occasion of the holy Eid al-Adha, and extend my best wishes and greetings.

On Eid al-Adha, which symbolizes the spiritual solidarity of the world's Muslims, believers have the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness for all kinds of sacrifices in the way of Allah and religion, and they experience the joy of being close to the Almighty Creator.

Islam has played a crucial role in the formation of the worldview and national-cultural development of the Azerbaijani people, who have made unparalleled contributions to human culture and the treasury of scientific and philosophical thought. In our country, where people of different nations and religions live like a friendly family, the role of progressive Islamic values in forming an exemplary environment of mutual respect and trust-based cohabitation, and in preserving ethnic-cultural diversity to this day, is undeniable.

Religious holidays, including Eid al-Adha ceremonies, become a celebration of national-spiritual unity, feelings of benevolence, and compassion in our society. During these blessed holiday days, extensive charity and social assistance activities are carried out all over our country, and the immortal memory of our martyrs is commemorated with respect.

Dear brothers and sisters!

With the wish that your prayers and sacrifices for the prosperity and well-being of our people be accepted by Allah, I once again extend my sincere congratulations to each of you, and wish prosperity to your families and blessings to your tables.

Happy Eid al-Adha!"

2024.06.14 / 14:02
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