What does the USA want from Baku?

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The USA is trying to draw Azerbaijan to its side. Washington is worried that it will not be able to apply the same policy against Azerbaijan if it can influence Armenia and even make it a toy.

Axar.az reports that Alexey Fenenko, an expert of the Russian International Relations Council, said this in an interview with "Moscow-Baku" while commenting on the visit of US Assistant Secretary of State James O'Brien to Baku.

"Of course, the visit of the US assistant secretary of state to Baku will be Washington's next attempt to influence Azerbaijan in some way. If not by pressure, then by economic offers. The United States sees Azerbaijan as an excellent transit point for goods from Central Asia. The USA presents everything as if they really want peace in the South Caucasus, economic cooperation between the countries of the South Caucasus, Turkiye, and the Central Asian states. The US is not interested in establishing peace in the South Caucasus. Washington sees the signing of the peace agreement as an opportunity to serve its interests. The USA is playing a double game on the issue of Armenia-Azerbaijan. Sometimes he criticizes Azerbaijan, sometimes he offers Baku to renew relations, at the same time he agrees on military cooperation with Armenia and sends his instructors," he said.

Fenenko considers the possibility of the scenario of the West undermining the situation in Azerbaijan to be unrealistic:

"To organize a color revolution, a strong opposition is needed. It should be noted that where there were color revolutions, there was a strong nationalist opposition. However, Azerbaijan has a very strong and powerful government. After Azerbaijan's victory in Karabakh, what kind of movement can be against the government? None. The US will not be able to pressure Baku. In addition, the visit of the American representative to the country to hold talks in Baku and, moreover, Washington's desire to open a new page in relations with Azerbaijan, although it covers completely different goals, is in fact a demonstration to Armenia that if Yerevan does not go completely against Russia, then the Western partners will fulfill their promises to it. may delay giving or take the side of Azerbaijan in some issues. But of course, all these are political tactics and games."

2024.06.28 / 19:10
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