Zakir Hasanov held a meeting and gave instructions

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On February 24, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov held the next official meeting in the Ministry of Defense.

Axar.az reports citing the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

The meeting was attended by deputies of the Minister of Defense, commanders of different types of troops, chiefs of the Ministry's main departments, departments, and services, as well as commanders of the Army Corps and formations stationed in liberated territories via video teleconference.

First, a minute of silence was held to honour the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and the Martyrs who gave their lives for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

The Minister of Defense brought to the attention of the meeting participants the statements of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr Ilham Aliyev, made at the inauguration ceremony after his re-election, as well as a joint briefing with the President of the Republic of Turkiye, Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan, held on February 19 during the official visit of the head of our state to fraternal Turkiye. The Defense Minister further emphasized that these words represent not only a positive appraisal of the Azerbaijan Army but also significant responsibilities imposed for its development.

Colonel General Z.Hasanov highlighted the progress of successful reforms carried out in the Azerbaijan Army under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in the fields of military education, armament, provision, and other spheres and mentioned the importance of further continuation of this work in a staged manner.

The current operational situation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional border, the organization, and the conduct of troops’ service were analyzed in detail, and reports were heard at the meeting.

It was emphasized that the joint exercises, planned to be held in 2024 in Azerbaijan, Turkiye, and other countries, will have a positive impact on the exchange of experience, improving the knowledge and skills of military personnel, and further increasing the troops’ combat training.

The Minister of Defense gave instructions on studying the personal-psychological characteristics of young soldiers to be called up for active military service by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a sensitive approach to the process of their adaptation to military service, keeping issues of ensuring the safety and health of personnel during military service in the spotlight, and the departure of young people who completed the military service.

Colonel-General Z. Hasanov emphasized the importance of clearing liberated territories of mines and unexploded ordnance, ensuring the continuous operation of supply roads and communication lines in mountainous areas with difficult terrain and harsh climate conditions, and strictly adhering to safety rules.

The Minister brought to the command staff's attention his requirements for methodical educational and ideological work, further increasing moral-psychological support, and preserving military discipline at a high level.

After the official meeting, relevant high-ranking officials were given instructions to prioritize further strengthening the units' combat training and military personnel's professionalism, as well as the qualitative completion of other future duties in 2024.

2024.02.24 / 12:09
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