Ilham Aliyev honored the military - Order

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President Ilham Aliyev signed the Decree on the awarding of military personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

Axar.az reports that the decree states:

"The following military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be awarded for their special services in the preservation of the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and for their distinction in the performance of their official duties and tasks assigned to the military unit:

With the 3rd degree "Rashadat" order

Bakhshaliyev Azer Yavar oghlu - colonel

Mikayilov Elman Muzakir oglu - colonel

Rustamov Fariz Maharram oghlu - colonel

Bakhshaliyev Nizami Fizuli oghlu - major

Abdulov Ismayil Rovshan oghlu - senior lieutenant

With the 3rd degree "For Service to the Motherland" Order

Azizov Ramin Ruslan oghlu - colonel

Rustamov Elnur Zeynalabdul oghlu - colonel

Rzayev Mubariz Mehman oghlu - colonel

Amiraslanov Kamal Hasan oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Hasanov Faig Fazil oghlu - major

Bagirov Ulvi Hanifa oghlu - lieutenant (posthumously)

Bayramov Rasul Hakverdi oghlu - ensign

Abbasov Vugar Shahban oghlu - junior sergeant

With the "For the Motherland" medal

Huseynov Mugabil Aziz oghlu - colonel

Mammadov Rustam Aziz oghlu - colonel

Mirzayev Tabriz Rahim oghlu - colonel

Rahimov Gasim Shahid oghlu - colonel

Yunusov Ibrahim Mirkhan oghlu - colonel

Abdullayev Fuad Ziyeddin oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Agayev Mubariz Mail oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Aliyev Yalchin Zahid oghlu - retired lieutenant colonel

Jahangirov Sakhavat Alikram oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Aliyev Namig Elfail oghlu - lieutenant colonel of the medical service

Hajiyev Turaj Zakir oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Huseynov Rashad Ali oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Ismayilov Farhad Khudaverdi oghlu - 2nd rank captain

Garayev Sabuhi Rauf oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Guliyev Elsever Firdovsi oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Verdikhanov Amil Sarkar oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Yadigarov Rahib Feiri oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Babayev Rza Dadash oghlu - major

Huseynov Elshan Ali oghlu - major

Gaffarov Eyvaz Ilyaz oghlu - major

Nazarov Firudin Mahir oghlu - major

Hudulov Ramazan Izzet oghlu - captain

Gasimov Babek Baba oghlu - captain

Bagirov Ulvi Hanifa oghlu - lieutenant (posthumously)

Ahmadov Mushvig Gulbala oghlu - retired junior ensign

Ismayilov Ayaz Musa oghlu - junior sergeant

Gasimov Hajiali Tahir oghlu - soldier (posthumously)

With the "For bravery" medal

Mammadov Emil Rasim oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Salayev Natig Akif oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Aydamirov Mardan Nadir oghlu - major

Hajiyev Eltaj Nemat oghlu - major

Aslanzade Ruslan Elman oghlu - captain

Alakbarov Kanan Telman oghlu - captain

Bakhtiyarzade Ramin Mehman oghlu - lieutenant

Mustafayev Babek Akbar oghlu - lieutenant

Badalov Koroglu Vagif oghlu - junior sergeant

Guliyev Etibar Yadigar oghlu - soldier

With the "Brave Warrior" medal

Shirinov Kenan Dilgam oghlu - major

Zeynalov Mirsadiq Zeynal oghlu - major

Babayev Gunduz Ulduz oghlu - senior lieutenant

Amirov Kamal Mansur oghlu - senior lieutenant

Guliyev Yahya Saleh oghlu - senior lieutenant

Rustamov Azad Mahir oghlu - senior lieutenant

Beyishov Emil Rovshan oghlu - lieutenant

Dadashov Orkhan Fazil oghlu - lieutenant

Najafov Emin Maharram oghlu - lieutenant

Safarov Khalid Rafat oghlu - lieutenant

Shahverenov Khayal Sabuhi oghlu - lieutenant

Abdullayev Hidayat Marks oghlu - ensign

Hasanov Emin Iman oghlu - ensign

Hasanov Sayyad Aydın oghlu - ensign

Safarov Khayal Heydar oghlu - ensign

Bayramov Muhammed Adalat oghlu - junior ensign

Abdullayev Samir Aladdin oghlu - reserve soldier

Babali Khanlar Elburus oghlu - soldier

Mammadov Nizami Hasil oglu - soldier

With the medal "For distinction in battle".

Demirov Namik Raufovich - major

Azimov Afgan Khanlar oghlu - captain

Huseyinli Kamal Kamran oghlu - captain

Mammadov Taleh Dashdemir oghlu - captain

Agayev Samander Subhan oghlu - senior lieutenant

Ahmadov Elgun Adalat oghlu - senior lieutenant

Latifov Togrul Telman oghlu - senior lieutenant

Mammadzadeh Shameddin Farhad oghlu - senior lieutenant

Yusifov Yusif Aliaga oghlu - senior lieutenant

Jafarov Amid Yalchin oghlu - lieutenant

Askerov Khayal Nasreddin oghlu - lieutenant

Ibrahimov Ilyas Balamirza oghlu - lieutenant

Gurbanov Amid Malik oghlu - chief ensign

Sadigov Balaami Agami oghlu - ensign

Karagozov Vugar Mushfig oghlu - junior sergeant

With the medal "For military services".

Abdullayev Vugar Vagif oghlu - colonel

Agayev Elshan Sultanagha oghlu - colonel

Bakhishov Sahin Khammad oghlu - 1st rank captain

Jabbarov Baba Yusif oghlu - colonel

Elnur Ali oglu of Alasgar - colonel

Hajiyev Elman Asif oghlu - colonel

Hasanov Arzu Shamil oghlu - judicial colonel

Iskenderov Ilgar Bahadur oghlu - colonel

Ismayilov Shamil Arif oghlu - colonel

Israfilov Aydin Abdurashid oghlu - colonel

Guliyev Elnar Adil oghlu - colonel

Guliyev Almahir Huseyn oghlu - 1st rank captain

Mursalov Vugar Rzakhan oghlu - medical service colonel

Seyidov Niyamaddin Miraziz oglu - medical service colonel

Valiyev Huseyin Alasgar oghlu - colonel

Yusifov Jesarat Hakim oghlu - colonel

Abbasov Murshud Jumshud oglu - lieutenant colonel

Aslanov Eldeniz Ildırım oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Aliyev Fagan Bayram oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Hummetov Azer Adil oghlu - reserve lieutenant colonel

Karimov Natig Hidayat oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Gurbanov Elnur Adalat oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Mehdiyev Elman Nariman oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Mikayilov Elnur Fahrad oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Nagiyev Huseyn Balajan oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Orujov Ilgar Rahman oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Rajabov Elshan Nuru oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Shahbazov Mayil Shahbaz oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Taghiyev Museyyib Mutallim oghlu - lieutenant colonel

Azimli Dinar Arif oghlu - major

Khalilov Babek Saleh oghlu - major

Gurbanov Elvin Namig oghlu - major

Mammadov Anar Rashid oghlu - major

Muradov Agil Srajeddin oghlu - major

Latifov Latif Nazim oghlu - captain

Umudov Yusif Rafig oghlu - senior lieutenant

Mirzazade Rza Maharrameli oghlu - lieutenant

Kosayev Siruz Abdulmajid oghlu - junior lieutenant

Mammadov Sahin Aligulu oghlu - chief ensign

Mehraliyev Alim Eldar oghlu - junior ensign

Allahverdiyev Rahib Mammad oghlu - junior sergeant

Huseynov Elvin Huseynaga oghlu - junior sergeant.

2024.06.25 / 21:33
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