I hope that Yerevan will take advantage of this chance - Kılıch

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The Shusha Declaration is a strong normative basis for the alliance between Turkiye and Azerbaijan, a "road map" of the strategic partnership of the two brotherly countries, and a guarantee of peace, stability and security in the region.

Axar.az reports that Hulusi Kılıch, former ambassador of Turkiye to Azerbaijan, representative of "IMZA" Social Development Support Public Union in Turkiye, expressed this opinion in an interview.

According to him, today it is very important for the residents of both countries to fully understand the importance of this historical document signed by Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev on June 15, 2021.

"The Shusha Declaration is important not only for Ankara and Baku, but for the region as a whole - it is the logical culmination of the documents signed in the region. This document refers to the Kars Treaty dated October 13, 1921, the Agreement "On the Development of Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkiye" dated February 9, 1994, and the Agreement "On Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between Azerbaijan and Turkiye" dated August 16, 2010. there are references to the Protocol dated ", said the expert.

Kilic noted that the signing of such an important document on the National Liberation Day of Azerbaijan is very significant.

"This document opens wide perspectives for the development of many states and the Turkic world as a whole. I hope that Armenia will also take advantage of this chance," said the former ambassador of Turkiye.

Kılıch called for information about the Shusha Declaration to be included in history textbooks in schools.

2024.06.15 / 20:12
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