Tomorrow weather forecast

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Tomorrow, the weather conditions in Baku and the Absheron peninsula will be mostly rainless.

Axar.az was informed about this by the National Hydrometeorological Service.

It is expected to rain in some places in the morning, and in the evening it will occasionally rain and thunder. There is a possibility of intensive showers in some parts of the peninsula towards night. A moderate northwesterly wind is expected to intensify starting in the morning.

The temperature will be 21 - 26° at night and 26 - 29° during the day. Atmospheric pressure will increase from 751 mm Hg to 755 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60 - 70%.

The weather conditions in the regions of Azerbaijan will be mostly rainless. However, in the morning, starting from the northern and western regions, occasional torrential rain and lightning are expected. There is a possibility that it will be intense and strong in some places, there will be hail, and it will change to sleet in high mountain areas. Occasional fog at night and morning. West wind will be strong in some regions.

The air temperature will be 20 - 25° at night, 26 - 31° during the day, 8 - 13° at night, 13 - 16° during the day.

2024.06.25 / 14:12
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